What We Believe
We believe that the triune God, by graciously giving the Scriptures, revealed to His people life-ordering principles, which are intensely relevant to education. The Lord God mandates man to bring to bear upon education the life-giving light and power of God’s Word.
LIFE – That human life is a gift of God. God created men to live their lives in total commitment to Him. He demands that we educate our children to that end.
BIBLE – That the Bible as the only inspired written Word of God is the truth by which the Holy Spirit enlightens our understanding of God, ourselves, and our world. It is the infallible authority by which He directs and governs all of our activities, including the education of our children.
CREATION – That the creation, preservation, and redemption of the world is the work of the triune God. We can only rightly understand the world when it is studied in relationship to God for the purpose of glorifying His Name.
MAN – That man was created in the image of God to enjoy covenantal fellowship with his Creator. Man is to reflect in his person and works the excellence of His Maker. He is instructed to exercise dominion over the world in loving obedience to God and to interpret all reality in accordance with His design and will.
SIN – That sin is disobedience to God’s will. Man, by sinning, estranged himself from God and his neighbor and brought God’s curse upon the creation. As a result, man has become corrupt in heart and blind to the true meaning of life. He represses and misuses the knowledge of God, which confronts him in creation and Scripture.
CHRIST – That Jesus Christ, our living Lord, of whom the Scriptures speak, is eternal God. He became human yet remained fully God. He has reconciled the world to God and redeems our lives in their entirety. Until His return, our lives should express themselves in constant gratitude to Him in loving service for His redeeming and reconciling work.
HOLY SPIRIT – That the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, who is eternal God, renews our hearts to love God and our neighbors. He directs our understanding to rightly know our God, ourselves, and our world.
THE KINGDOM OF GOD – That the rule of the Triune God over all things establishes the Kingdom of God and makes education possible and meaningful. In obedience to God, we reject every attempt to withdraw any area of life from the divine commandment to love God above all and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATION – The purpose of Christian education is that the child attains Biblical understanding, wisdom, knowledge, righteousness, and a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, in order to live a life of competent and responsible service to God in the home, church, and society.
PARENTS – That God gives parents the responsibility to nurture and train their children. Parents who confess SCS’s Statement of Belief and attend a church whose confessions are consistent with SCS’s Statement of Belief, may choose to share this responsibility with SCS.
THE CHILD – That the child, entrusted by God to the parents, needs order, correction, and instruction. Children of Christian homes share in the Scriptures and are, therefore, to study the world and deal with life’s issues and problems from a Biblical, Christian perspective.
THE TEACHER – That the teacher is a servant of God and is, therefore, called to walk in the ways of the Lord and teach the child the same. The teacher must be committed to Christ and through relationships with students help guide them toward a committed life in Christ. Secondly, the teacher is a co-worker with the parent since the school is the extension of the home.
THE CHURCH – The churches encourage the establishment, maintenance, and use of Christian schools by parents, and are partners, in varying degrees, with the school in enabling the Christian community to live all of life to the glory of God.